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Adult Formation at St. Peter's

At St. Peter's, KNOW is a pillar in our mission statement. Through prayer, study, special topics, and experiences, adult formation opportunities provide places of learning and growth. Join in on any of the regular or special offerings. This is a great way to plug into our community!

Centering Prayer Group

Please join us Thursday mornings at 10 a.m. in the parlor. We enter quietly, and at the sound of the bell, become centered in silence, entering the peace of God's loving Presence. Please contact the church office for more information on this wonderful way to start your day!

Image by Aaron Burden

EfM (Education for Ministry)

Education for Ministry (EfM) is a unique four-year distance learning certificate program in theological education based upon small-group study and practice. EfM helps the faithful encounter the breadth and depth of the Christian tradition and bring it into conversation with their experiences of the world as they study, worship, and engage in theological reflection together. 


If you'd like more information about St. Peter's EfM offerings, contact the church office.

Foyer Groups

Foyer Groups begin in the fall and run through May each year. They are a great way to meet new friends and to reconnect with folks you have known for a while. Each Foyer group is made up of people who take turns hosting dinner in their homes. We also have foyer groups who meet for dinners in restaurants, locally.


If you'd like more information, contact the church office. We hope to see you there!


Newcomer Classes

Each fall and spring, we host introductory classes for folks interested in learning more about the Episcopal church and our local congregation here at St. Peter's. This is a great way to explore whether membership is the right option for you. 

  • St. Peter's 101, intro to the Episcopal Church and life at St. Peter's

  • St. Peter's 102, wine and cheese campus tour through a historical lens

Please contact Rachel Davis or the church office for more information about these classes.

Nourish: Wednesday Nights

Join us on Wednesday evenings during the program year for a rotation of classes, followed by a community dinner. Current classes can be found on our seasonal calendar and will include the Rector's Forum, a program consisting of topics of the heart, soul, and mind of our community at the choice of the rector. We will explore various theological ideas, consider current events, and think faithfully about how to live as Christians in the world, today.

Image by Tom Hermans

St. Peter's Readers

This group enjoys reading and discussing books of various topics in fiction and non-fiction. We have lively discussions each month and all are welcome, whether the scheduled book for discussion has been read or not. We meet the third Tuesdays monthly for an hour. When the meeting concludes, all interested parties decide on where to go to lunch. Please contact the office for more information about this group.

Current Class

St. Peter's Episcopal Church

801 Atlantic Avenue

Fernandina Beach, FL 32034


Fax 904.277.1617

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