Charitable Foundation
Purpose & Mission
As a 501(c)(3) non-profit, the Foundation’s purpose is to preserve and strengthen St. Peter’s Episcopal Church’s mission in the community. Our mission is to accumulate sufficient principal to generate earnings and interest for capital improvements, with the principal fully vested and preserved in order to support the parish facilities, programs and ministries in perpetuity.

The Foundation has no shareholders. It is directed by trustees comprised of St. Peter's Episcopal Church members in good standing and the Rector.
Endowment funds:
Building & Grounds
Zachary Jarrell Youth
Planned Giving with the Foundation
This is a method of supporting the Charitable Foundation of St. Peter’s that enables you to make larger gifts, often made during a lifetime or at death as part of your overall estate planning.
If you are interested in giving to support the St. Peter's Charitable Foundation, please contact the Foundation Chairperson or our church office.
2024 Charitable Foundation Board of Trustees:
Peter Black, Chairperson
Forrest Foxworth (Vice Chairperson)
Ken McDaniel, Treasurer (non-voting)
Julie Bennett
Francis Flood
Pam Fox
Kim Hicks
Ginger Mock
Jeff Rogers
Lisa Saitow
Reverend Doug Hodsdon, Interim Rector
Ken Saitow, Senior Warden
Bert Jenkins, Trustee Emeritus