Welcome to St. Peter's! If you have not visited our parish before, know that we are excited to meet you. Here is information which we hope will be helpful when you worship with us online or in person or want to know more about the opportunities at St. Peter's.

Join us for Worship
Sunday Worship Schedule
7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite 1 in the Church
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite 11 in the Church
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Rite 11 in the Church
Folk Mass
2nd & 4th Sunday at 9:00 a.m.
(except during Advent and Lent)
Celtic Eucharist
4th Sunday at 6:00 p.m. in the Church (we hold a special Celtic Christmas service on the Sunday prior
to Christmas)
Weekday Worship Schedule
12:10 p.m. - Holy Eucharist, Wednesdays in the Church
New Here?
Join us on Realm

Realm is the software that we use for our church communication and administration. If you would like to become connected with our parish, please contact our office to create an account and receive regular communication from us!
Once you receive an invitation:
Set up your account by clicking on the link in the email invitation.
Click the link in the confirmation email.
Download the Realm mobile app on iPhone or Android. The app is called "Realm Connect — For Our Church." You may also simply visit onrealm.org/StPetersEpiscop9300* to login from your desktop or tablet.
*When viewing on desktop or tablet, Realm is best viewed on Chrome or Firefox. Internet Explorer is not advised.

Did you know that Realm allows you to give online? To learn how to do so, visit our Give page or watch the video below.
You are able to specify your gift as general tithing or special giving.