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Serving Our Parish


Worship Volunteers
(Sundays & special services)

One service of Holy Eucharist enlists numerous lay volunteers. Each task performed in the service of liturgy requires concentration, reverence, and thoughtfulness.


Readers of the Holy Scripture do not simply say the words, rather they “read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest them.” (Proper 28 Book of Common Prayer) Service within the context of corporate worship gives participants the opportunity to personally contribute to the worship of the church and to enhance the beauty of the liturgy. 


If you would like to serve as a Reader, Crucifer, Acolyte, Usher, Greeter, or Eucharistic Minister, please contact the church office.

Altar Guild

Through the beauty of the liturgy we encounter the love and mystery of God. Such an encounter does not happen automatically but takes careful and thoughtful preparation.


To ready the altar for worship, the Altar Guild thoughtfully prepares the sacred instruments of our worship. This holy service is a form of living prayer in which participants play a vital role in giving glory to God and facilitating the corporate worship of the church.

Image by National Cancer Institute


In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus says, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens and I will give you rest.”


St. Peter’s Shepherds serve as a link between individual parishioners and the pastoral care ministry of the parish. Shepherds express the love and care of Jesus by connecting with families, sending cards, and passing on pastoral requests to clergy and other pastoral care ministries. To become a Shepherd contact Annette Sines or our church office.

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew

The Brotherhood of St. Andrew is an Episcopal and Anglican international ministry. The goal of the Brotherhood is to spread Christ’s Kingdom among men, both young and old.


Within the continental United States, the Brotherhood boasts of over four thousand members in over 357 US chapters. To learn more about the Brotherhood of St. Andrew or information about becoming a "Friend of the Brotherhood," click here.

Image by Ben White
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Wedding Guild at St. Peter's

All weddings at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church are performed by the priests, but require support from our lay persons. 


If you would like to serve on our Wedding Guild, please contact our church office for more information.

St. Peter's Choir and Musicians

St. Peter's has several choirs that sing at Sunday and special services.  The Chancel Choir sings Sunday mornings as well as special services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m.


The Folk Mass Choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. service on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. The Folk Choir choir sings music from several different traditions including folk, contemporary, gospel and spirituals blending them together into a unique St. Peter's style.

Celtic musicians provide the music for the monthly Celtic service the 4th Sunday of the month at 6:00 p.m.

For more information about joining one of these groups, contact our church office.


St. Peter's Episcopal Church

801 Atlantic Avenue

Fernandina Beach, FL 32034


Fax 904.277.1617

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